Writers Remorse?

...And how to fix it...

In partnership with

Level with me for a sec...

Have you experienced the dread of writers remorse? It's like when you have writer's block and can't think of anything....

Except for one thing.

Time flies in the short allocation you're supposed to be working on your business.

Your day has been stressful and you're tired.

Yet, you know you NEED to put out some content.

Any content.

You're almost on the verge of googling your favourite motivational quote, but you're reluctant to as you know that 'quotes don't make qash.'

Then you finally chuck something lacklustre up and you're now staring at your screen re-reading it thinking...

'Not my finest work..'

We've all been there.

Heck, before I started tapping away on my keyboard this afternoon I stared blankly at my screen for a good 12 minutes.

Now, admittedly I've slept all of 4 hours over the last two nights, so there are clearly some circumstances that are plaguing my concentration and creativity.

Thankfully, I have a secret weapon that I had all but forgotten about.

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Funny thing when you've been doing this stuff for a while, you start to collect so much stuff (both your own and others) that you tend to forget how much stuff you really do have...

So what is the secret weapon I speak of?

What mystical, magical, high converting secret doth thy keepeth?

Okay, fine I'll tell you. It's too good not to share anyway as I know the more people that know this, the more people will be finally free from the perils of poor content once and for all!

The secret is....

You've got to know exactly what discomforts, struggles, pains, setbacks and frustrations your audience faces.

When you know this deep down in your core, you can easily identify with the struggles people are experiencing, relate to them and simply and easily smash out simple little emails, posts, docs etc.

Perhaps you've already walked the pathway before?

Perhaps when you reflect back on your own journey, you start to realise some of the pitfalls?

Where most folk gets this part wrong is they haven't taken the time to deepdive into WHO they're producing content for....

Wouldn't it be nice if your content felt like an art form more than a chore?

Imagine having endless supplies of ideas and a few lines like this takes no more than 20 minutes per day to bash out?

Better yet, you hit the go button with a sense of confidence knowing your content is hitting the mark?

When you've got the right frameworks in place, it's super easy.

For me, if I ever sense this, there are a couple of things I do.

The most relevant here for you is simply to use correlations.

I.e Figure out how you can take an object, scenario or event and relate it back to your offer.

Now, this would be super easy for me to do in this email as I’d simply relate it to my content course and how it solves for this type of problem and how it has a content-prompt sheet so you never run out of ideas…

But, that’s not the point of the email.

One of the tasks I suggest my students do is to grab a notepad and pen and look around their desk/room at the different object and see how they’d correlate them back to an offer.

Here’s an example of items around my desk (totally off the top of my head by the way);

  • Rode Microphone - Making sure your offers are clear and concise. I could also talk about how Rode is like Ride and ride reminds me of horses and riding horses require a saddle and saddle represents comfort and comfort won’t see your business grow which is why you need to get my growth accelerator.

  • JBL headphones - Okay, this sounds super gross, but I bought white ones and they’ve stained from sweat when I used to wear them to the gym like an idiot. I could talk about how dirty and toxic it can be when you’re working with negative clients.

  • Burrows Mouse - I could talk about how it’s ergonomic to help prevent RSI, then talk about the pain I’ve had in my wrist from it over the years from mouse-use and how I never even knew it was a think until my wife told me about it and talk about why word of mouth is the most powerful form of marketing which is one of the ways I show folks how to grow their business inside my Monetise Your Tribe coaching.

  • You get the idea….

There are other ways to mitigate the dreaded ‘writers block,’ but for now, let’s start with the basics.

I could, of course rely on AI to resolve this, but I also like being a human, with flaws and creative spark.

Hope you have a great weekend!




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