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- My Top 3 Favourite Cashflow Strategies For Coaches & High Ticket Affiliate Marketers
My Top 3 Favourite Cashflow Strategies For Coaches & High Ticket Affiliate Marketers
These will help put shekels in your pockets....

My Top 3 Favourite Ways To
Monetise My Audience
Cashflow is and SHOULD be your priority in your business.
Oftentimes I see folks in the affiliate marketing and coaching space focus on everything BUT cashflow.
They’ll spend months building out their fancy pants funnel.
Weeks making sure their autoresponder sequence is dialled in. Only to find…
……..They still don’t really know how to siphon, extract, create a deluge of, explode an ATM full of cash….
They oftentimes circle back to me and my U.M.M program after realising the snake oil sales dude who had sold them empty promises had sold them empty promises…
Sidebar: Don’t be a daft consumer. Most of these troglodytes have done exactly farkalsky online. Their saving grace is having the trousers to ask for your hard-earned. Nothing more. Usually no real skill or tangible results they can reliably point to. Just copied stuff like a 2-bob watch without an ounce of creativity.
(Sips cup of sanctimonious tea)…..
Anyways, here are THREE simple ways to pull cashflow from your audience.
These are all field tested and are actively used within my business.
1. An audience with a level of goodwill (i.e, you have added value to them and helped them with stuff - i.e, like this post)…
2. Some high-value assets - these are super simple to create so don’t use this as a limitation you self-impose. Short vid instructions, PDF’s, guides, DFY templates etc…
3. Having resources like calendly helps.
4. If you’re a coach, some form of cart page/method for taking payment. Doesn’t need to be a fancy funnel. A simple payment link from stripe works just as well.
5. A thimble full of courage. This may be scary for first timers, but would you rather stay safe in your bubble or make moolah?
The first two methods are counterintuitive in nature.
As in, I’m a high ticket affiliate marketer (selling stuff for $1000 - $12,000+), so this may seem odd….
They center around a low ticket front end for a couple of reasons.
1. It’s easier to slap together a quick, high-value offer and develop a formula you can rinse and repeat.
2. It’s easier to ascend a buyer to a higher ticket offer than a prospect to a high ticket offer
3. Lifetime customer value. I’m looking to over-deliver on the front end which tends to get folks looking towards me to solve the next problem that will arise in their business (each level will present a new set of problems that need resolution if you’re wanting to grow).
My all time fave….
This is where you’re leveraging;
High value
Low investment
This process has netted me in excess of $60,000+ over the years and I still lob it out from time to time when I want my day out paid for or feel like getting a few more buyers in the front door.
Put out a post (can be profile/group or wherever you like)…
Start with a direct response approach:
I have a special offer EXCLUSIVELY for 2 people only. Once those spots are gone, this post will be removed and you’ll miss out….
Then bridge straight into what they’re getting:
Sidenote: ALWAYS lead with a coaching call!
- Coaching call (valued at $x)
- Bonus 1 (valued at $x)
- Bonus 2 (valued at $x)
- Bonus 3 (valued at $x)
Add as many incentives as you like and a short write up of each one and the benefits the user will get.
Tally the total value so as to juxtapose the actual investment: Total value: $x,xxx
Then drop the price: Today’s price just $x
Then remind folks that the opportunity to hop on is only for 2 people and will be removed once the spots have been filled.
If you’re an affiliate and wondering how you do this with an affiliate offer, get creative.
The prospect buys through your link, you get the comm and they get all those goodies. You can do this around a $5 offer, right up to a $500+ offer.
I normally sell a highly discounted coaching call - my normal hourly is $500 per hour so I offer a $197 - $297 option for that.
You may make a few shekels on the front end, but the real cashflow lies in the back end sales.
Without doing much in the way of selling, you’ll ascend 15-20% of folks to your higher ticket offers.
If the post doesn’t sell, just delete it and try a new timezone.
You’ll need the exact same ingredients for this one and works in a similar fashion, whereby we’re looking to close some low ticket sales with the objective to build our buyers list and ascend a few to our higher ticket offers.
1. Hype day on Thursday before a 3-day promo cycle. Put out content alluding to ‘something big coming’ or similar to build curiosity.
2. Again we’ll be looking to throw down a low ticket offer as it’s easy and again the idea is to build buyers and look for ascension.
3. Friday you want to announce the offer. It can be in the same context as what we did previously.
Think $10k value for peanuts.
Make it an awesome offer and depending on the size of your audience and goodwill you have established, you can also use other levers in your audience such as capping out number of available spots for example.
4. The hard deadline of the end of the weekend creates a buying vortex.
5. Each day you put out content talking about the offer, available spots and mentioning the deadline.
6. On Sunday you’ll be treating this similar to the close of a launch
i.e a. 24 hour post - final warning. Going away soon!
b. 12 hour post - Deadline fast approaching. Don’t miss out!
c. 6 hour post - Are you REALLY missing out on this?
d. 1 hour post - Final chance. Expiring soon!
e. Optional 15-30 minute post - Closing in minutes. You in?
(these are example posts - use whatever you feel appropriate here.)
This will yield a bunch of new low ticket buyers which you can look to ascend to your next level offer.
This one is better put to use for coaches or course creators, but I’ve seen it work well for affiliates as well.
You’d just need to wrap it around a higher ticket offer…
This works exceptionally well for a number of reasons…
1. You’re using a direct call to action to get hand raisers
2. People complete forms so you have solid data on where they’re at in their business (allowing for flexi-offers as well as knowing where people are at budget-wise)
3. It can be somewhat anonymous which lends itself to the sales process - people tend to get a bit weird about being sold to in public. Better behind closed doors in dm’s/email etc.
1. An audience (you see a recurring theme here right) with goodwill in it
2. Google forms or jotform or similar to extract data and see how/whether we can help our folks
- The forms don’t need to be anything fancy and simply need to give an indication of where the prospect is at inside their business.
3. Payment gateway or high ticket affiliate offer (such as the Ultimate Marketing Mastermind program for example).
4. Time to host the case study group
1. Consider what you’re going to offer.
For me, I have enrolled folks into the Ultimate Marketing Mastermind program and offered 4 or 6 weeks of small-group coaching and some 1-1 calls for the case study group.
I then cover the core facets folks need to accelerate their growth online over those 4-6 weeks and help them refine their craft.
2. Put out an email or post with a call to action looking for x number of [target market] looking to [achieve major outcome]
i.e ‘Right now, I’m looking for 5 coaches wanting to cut the time it takes to enroll clients in their high ticket offers down to hours or days, not weeks or months. This process has generated $100’s of thousands of dollars for my business and I want to give a few folks the inside scoop in a brand new case study…
To apply to be part of it, simply complete the application below [link or add in the comments of your post]
Submissions will close by [date].
2. Await application submissions.
3. Reach out to the ones you believe you can help to discuss what you’re looking to do.
4. Ask if they’d like to be part of the case study group and look to have a backup offer on hand if they’re not interested in the main offer.
5. Look to downsell anyone that’s not a good fit.
6. Refine, rinse and repeat. These three cashflow strategies have brought in 10’s of thousands of dollars, allowed me to help my audience out with high value offers and have continued to build my buyers pool and LTV of my audience overall.
Pick one, give it a try.
Don’t wuss out if it falls flat the first time.
Just analyse what you can fix.
Give it another shot.
Rinse, refine and repeat.
This is just some of the stuff I teach inside my Ultimate Marketing Mastermind program.
Sadly, doors are shut to enrollment at the moment, but stay tuned as we will be opening enrolment for the next intake soon.
If you’re dedicated to having a business you can proudly tell your friends about that is sustainable, spits out $1,000+ days like an angry camel (aaah, they spit a lot apparently), then this is what you need.
Keep your eyes peeled on details for the next enrolment.
See you soon.
p.s if this helped, please don’t be shy. Give it some love in the comments. Your help is greatly appreciated.